Mon-Fri: 09.00 - 17.00

Sunday: Closed

Remedial Therapy Clinic

Myofascial Release

What is fascia?

The fascia within the body is the resilient connective tissue that holds us together. It has been described as three-dimensional body stocking or web that envelopes each and every structure of the body, from the microscopic nerve to the largest bone, each has its own fascial sheath. If there were a magical substance that could dissolve all parts of the body except the fascia, what would remain would be a complete representation of the body including the expression of the face.


In a normal, healthy and hydrated state, the fascia has the ability to move without restriction. However, due to our general lifestyles, having postural imbalances, accidents, emotional trauma or repetitive strain injuries, it is common for the fascia to develop restrictions. Therefore, as fascia is entirely continuous throughout the body, a tear or scarring of the tissue will affect other parts within the body.


Fascial techniques can be used successfully to treat acute and chronic pain, fibromyalgia, ME, pelvis and menstrual problems, IBS, headaches, migraines and sports injuries, the list goes on...! Myofascial Release encompasses many techniques that primarily focus on the fascia, namely Rolfing or Structural Integration (SI), Visceral Manipulation and Craniosacral Therapy.

Fascia and Pain

Muscles – The endomysium, perimysium and epimysium (layers of tissue in and around the muscle fibres) are all made of fascia, thus muscle and fascia are functionally linked. Injuries or imbalances in the muscular system will cause the fascia to tighten, dehydrate and cause pain within the musculo-skeletal system.

Nerves and blood vessels – Nerves and circulatory vessels all move through the body wrapped in fascial membranes. If the fascia is restricted, it produces a force around the structures it surrounds, hence inhibiting movement and circulation.

Organs- Our organs are surrounded and supported by fascia allowing the organs to glide freely over neighbouring surfaces. Fascial restrictions inhibit the organ's ability to do this, leading to organ dysfunction or other musculo-skeletal syndromes.

Brain and Spinal Cord – The dura meter surrounding the brain and the spinal cord is fascia. Restriction in the tension of this membrane can lead to headaches including migraines and pain. Any restrictions in the dural tube may cause pressure on the nerves entering and exiting the spinal cord serving the organs and the musculo-skeletal system.