Embodying Your Worth

Perimenopause and Menopause is a transitional time in a woman’s life to truly step up and into her power… UNAPOLOGETICALLY!

  • Sacred Wisdom

    The ovary that created you was inside your mother when she was inside your grandmother. 

    Our ovaries and womb carry the sacred wisdom of life, that is Mother Earth and pure consciousness.

    We carry within us, the wisdom of our Mothers, of our sisters, of all who has been before.

    PussyPower is about reconnecting and remembering this sacredness that women are - the beholders and gatekeepers of life - held .within our ovaries, our womb, our yoni as one.

    Humanity needs us to REMEMBER our power and EMBODY such- for women are the alchemists of fear and separation, returning hate back to Love and Compassion - this is our inner GOLD.

    Women are the Fire and the Grace, they are the transformative energy of Death and Rebirth!

    Gemma’s healing space, through hands-on and in group sessions are the activation of the Magick of the pineal gland, held in coherence and connection with the Heart and Pussy..

    She is supported by various feminine deities that is Earth, Goddess Isis, Kali, Quan Yin, Mother Mary and Mary Magdalene.

    Gemma channels an ancient language is of sacred healing codes transforming the densest of energy with comfort and ease.

  • Embodying Your Worth

    This isn't about finding a new you it is is about remembering, embodying and revealing the true You - your authenticity gifts, inner power and light.


    Are you ready to connect to your Pussy Power - to claim and embody Your Pleasure - Your Worth and to speak of your Desires?

    “SELF-CARE IS NOT A LUXURY IT IS ESSENTIAL" - Our minds and bodies are constantly on the go, whether physically, emotionally and mentally consciously and subconsciously, through the pressures and stresses of life -

    As oestrogen drops, our cortisol levels rise, which triggers many if not all symptoms of Menopause, namely ADHD or PTSD, brain fog, weight gain.

    Creating space to rest, to no longer martyr one’ s energy is fundamental to navigating Menopause, our “Second Spring” with a greater sense of Ease and Grace.- to find balance, homeostasis and to heal.

    A combination of Guided Somatic Movement Meditation, Conscious Breathwork, Visualisation Journeys activating you inner wisdom and Sound Healing with healing frequencies.

  • Ancestral Healing

    Trauma follows through our generations, especially our feminine lineage.

    Potentially you hold the effects of stress experienced by a female ancestor through the maternal lineage, due to their unique inheritance pattern and ability to respond to stress by altering their function and DNA.

    Unlike nuclear DNA, which is inherited from both parents, mitochondrial DNA is solely passed down from the mother.

    Mitochondria is the life force for every trillion of our cells, they can carry the “memory” of ancestral trauma, up to 50 generations if not more!

    The Feminine has suffered for millennia, and still to this day are victim to abuse, exploitation, mutilation and suppression.

    Our bodies carry this suppressed rage, this heat of unexpressed anger and betrayal by the masculine - which is expressed in symptoms such as arthritis, hot flashes and all that stems from inflammation.

    The transformation of Menopause is to become conscious of such, and to begin to heal our masculine wounds - to be the bridge for humanity - yet we do it for ourselves first - for our inner peace - Because You Are Worth it!

    Women are to consciously process this rage, for what fuels this rage is self LOVE, Self WORTH, a voice from within our womb, our yoni, our ovaries, that says “I deserve better, I am worthy of so much more!” !